Contemporary Art Exhibitions

Archive of the last 10 years

Andrea Jemolo, Fotografia e Architettura in dialogo, Galleria Comunale "Ai Molini" di Portogruaro (2023)

Nowhere di Alessandro Tagliapietra, Galleria della Gondola, (Venezia) 2023

Homage to Italo Calvino by Linda Karshan, Istituto Veneto, Palazzo Loredan, Venice 2022

Revelationis by Claudia Alessi, Magazzino Gallery, Venice 2022

Conexión by LiLeon, St. Mary le Strand, London (UK) 2022

Mirage by Philippe Apatie, Galleria della Gondola (Venice) 2022

Memory, the Light of Time by Federica Marangoni, Biblioteca Nazionale Marciana, piazza San Marco (VE) 2022

L'arte della fisica, da Luigi Russolo a Renzo Bergamo, Palazzo Vescovile di Portogruaro (VE) 2022

Conexión Dominican Republic Pavilion, 17th Architecture Biennale of Venice 2021

Arcipelago Laguna, Mostra fotografica di Luigi "Gigi" Ferrigno by Luigi Ferrigno, Galleria della Gondola (Venice) 2021

From Bouthan to Venice by Jean Timsit, Magazzino Gallery (Venice) 2020

Reflections by Franco Donaggio, Galleria della Gondola (Venice) 2020

Photographic tribute by Maurizio Rossi, Quinta Dominica (Santo Domingo) 2020

Photographic tribute by Maurizio Rossi, Centro Leon (Santiago) 2020

Ninez stolen by Patricia Tolentino and Rosalia Ramirez - Magazzino Gallery - Venice - 2020

Te veo, Me veo by Lidia Lèon, Chiesa delle Zitelle (Venice) 2019

Light sculptures, the heritage of the Venice lagoon by Maurizio Rossi - Squero di San Trovaso Cultural Association (Venice) 2019

The library for L'Aquila by Linda Karshan - Palazzo dell'Emiciclo - (L'Aquila) 2019

Street flowers- photography exhibition in favor of NGO KISEDET - Emergency (Venice) and Basso Foundation (Rome) - 2018/2019

Anomalous wave of Ines de Borbon - Magazzino Gallery (Venice) - 2018

The table of silence by Rossella Vasta - permanent installation - Emergency (Venice) - 2018

Jeux des Vagues by Michele Ciribifera - Palazzo Morelli (Todi) 2018

The fabulous world of Teo by Matteo Negri - Palazzo Morelli (Todi) 2018

Tribute to Lucrezia de Domizio Durini - Warehouse Gallery - 2017

Birdman and the new generation by Marco Agostinelli - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) - 2017

The Wall of democracy by Paolo Tait - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) - 2017

Refectory by Antonia Trevisan - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) - 2017

Mare Internum by Rossella Vasta - temporary installation - Ara Pacis Museum (Rome) 2015/2016

Water garden by Roger de Montebello - Palazzo Polignac Contarini (Venice) 2016

Review the unique work, one painting a month: Gino Blanc - Don Orione Artigianelli Cultural Center (Venice) 2016

Evaporations by John R. Pepper - photographic exhibition - Palazzo Cipolla (Rome) - 2015/2016

Review the single work, one painting a month: Katia Margolis - Don Orione Artigianelli Cultural Center (Venice) 2015/2016

The Wall of democracy by Paolo Tait - Artigianelli Cultural Center (Venice) - 2015

Review the unique work, one painting a month: Roger de Montebello - Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli (Venice) 2015

The Birdman by Marco Agostinelli, Squero di San Trovaso (Venice) - 2015

Bondless by Antonia Trevisan- Magazen of art (Venice) - 2015

Adagio by Luana Segato - Magazen of art (Venice) - 2015

Review the unique work, one painting a month: Giuseppe Capitano - Don Orione Artigianelli Cultural Center (Venice) 2015

The Vanity of Vanities by Anne Katrine Senstad - Magazen dell'Arte (Venice) 2015

Collective exhibition for the inauguration of GONDOLAS4ALL GALLERY, Mestre (Venice) 2015

Review the single work, one painting a month: Antonia Trevisan - Don Orione Artigianelli Cultural Center (Venice) 2015

Apartment building by Luca Sacchetti - Magazen dell'Arte (Venice) 2015

Beverly Pepper at the Ara Pacis - Ara Pacis Museum (Rome) - 2014/2015

Review the unique work, one painting a month: Matthias Brandes - Centro Culturale Don Orione Artigianelli (Venice) 2015

Metamorphosis of virtual of ORLAN, Miguel Chevalier, Pia MYrvvol, Anne K. Senstad, Officina delle Zattere (Venice) 2013

Sand castles by Franco Scuderi, Officina delle Zattere (Venice) 2014

Age cannot wither her video installation by M.A. and A.L. in the exhibition The Divine Marchesa, Palazzo Fortuny (Venice) 2014

From the dolomites to Venice, author's migrations, collective for the 50th anniversary Vajont, Officina delle Zattere (Venice) 2014

Synaesthetic visions sound digital art by Giorgio Merigo, Officina delle Zattere (Venice), 2013

EGO - Technologies, for a sustainable existence by Paola Madorno, Officina delle Zattere (Venice), 2013

Synaptic Space by Antonia Trevisan - Officina delle Zattere (Venice) 2013

Evaporations - John R. Pepper - Officina delle Zattere (Venice) - 2013

Trevisan - Pierangelo - Herrison- Encuentros - Officina delle Zattere (Venice) 2013

Copyright by Simone Ligabue - Officina delle Zattere (Venice) 2013

First act, four stroke - Officina delle Zattere (Venice) 2013

See the music - exhibition by Laura De Luca at the conclusion of the seminar of the neurologist Donatella Caramia of the University of Studies Tor Vergata - Ass. Margutta street (Rome) 2013

Oh Upon legs! Alice by Adolfina de Stefani - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2012

Brain Maps by Carmine Ciccarini - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2012

When art moves the Gods by Francky Criquet - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2012

Chiara Spagnoli's laboratory of ideas - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2012

Metamorphosis of the space by Carlo Montesi, Crocetti Museum (Rome) 2012

Rita Pierangelo: Who is the beast? Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2012

Palazzo Zenobio Rewind - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2012

Fresh Eyes - Stefan Ahlstrom, Sajia Seppiala, Raitio, Paul Gustafsson - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

Art according to Maria by Riccarda Pagnozzato, Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

Sixty-six sheets for three compositions by Lorenzo Cardi, Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

Heaven and earth are inhuman by Oscar Turco- Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

Nine artists for the reconstruction, Mauro Staccioli, Hidetoshi Nagasawa and Beverly Pepper - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

Plastic biomorphisms of Bruto Pomodoro - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

An anthropologist on Mars - Oscar Alessi - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

Burning NY / ICE by Marino Ficola and Tommaso Tastini - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

The impossible flight by Federica Marangoni - Brufa (Perugia) 2011

Sans Papier by John R. Pepper - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2011

Adrift of Justin Peyser - Palazzo Zenobio (Venice) 2010


The digital ghost of Marco Agostinelli - Rocca Paolina (Perugia) - in collaboration with the Municipality of Perugia, the CERP - with the participation of Barbara Rose- 2003

Umbra Lux Dei by Marco Agostinelli - Stauros Museum of Contemporary Sacred Art in collaboration with Father Adriano di Bonaventura - with the secretary of the Vatican's cultural heritage Mons. Carlo Chenis (San Gabriele - Teramo) 2005

The art for a life, the Marquis Giorgio Capranica del Grillo - Boncompagni Ludovisi Museum (Rome) - with the High Patronage of the President of the Republic and the contribution of the Rome Foundation - 2005

Corpus evolution after tower, public video projection, Fortino Sant'Antonio (Bari), in collaboration with the Municipality and the Province of Bari - 2002

The box of paradise by Marco Agostinelli - Paradise plantation by Joseph Beuys - organized by Lucrezia de Domizio Durini - Bolognano (Pescara) 2001

"Te veo, Me veo" di Lidia Leon - Chiesa delle Zitelle- Venezia- maggio/settembre 2019

Omaggio fotografico di Maurizio Rossi - Centro Leon - Santiago- gennaio/febbraio  2020

"Omaggio fotografico di Maurizio Rossi - Quinta Dominica - Santo Domingo - gennaio/febbraio 2020